A series of short videos that explain us.
A focus on why Structured Visual Thinking™ makes a difference.
Straightforward explanations about why we created it, why it’s needed and how it works to solve the challenges of businesses.
A quick way to understand the drivers, ideas and work and of Group Partners through 30-60 second films.
Structured Visual Thinking™ Explained:
Getting To The Heart Of Why We Exist - Explaining the power of adding structure and visualisation to encourage better thinking.
Visualising Strategic Conversations In Real Time:
Showing What An Interactive Session Looks Like - A small part of the work we do within Structured Visual Thinking™ and Framework Science™
Strategy Is Winning - Beware Of What Losing Looks Like:
Explaining why strategy is a question of important choices. And why the enemies of strategy normally win.
Let’s Not Solve The Wrong Problem Really Well:
The Challenge Of Our Times - And that's because we can. Looking at the effect rather than the cause. Not looking at the whole picture. It happens all the time and makes a nonsense of everything teams do when they get together.
The Power Of Being Impartial:
The Value Of Not Having A Dog In The Fight - By being objective (and impartial) and positioning ourselves as expert generalists - we bring fresh light and value - our aim is to overcome the subjectivity that exists in business.
Strategy - Love It - Hate It:
Making Strategies That Work - Why we have a love-hate relationship with strategy. The word 'strategy' is widely abused as a term and we are doing all we can to change that.
Explaining The Power Of Structured Visualisation:
Structured Visual Thinking™ to create meaning and develop clarity and alignment in leadership teams that are developing strategy and plans.
Framework Science™
What’s Under The Hood? - Understanding the insights and patterns within the information is at the core of this. Explaining Hazel Tiffany's role in Framework Science™